The new normal, emerging trends and safety will be among the hot topics under discussion at food & drink technology (fdt) Africa, the continent’s leading beverage and food processing, filling and packaging industry trade show, next year.
food & drink technology (fdt) Africa presents food and drink manufacturing solutions from innovative developments for resource conservation to raw materials, through to processing, filling and packaging machines. In 2021, the trade show’s high-level Forum will focus on a broad range of top of mind issues in the sector. The presentations will include a topical look at ‘the new normal’ in the industry, the importance of traceability and food safety, risk analysis in the food industry, grain cleaning for mycotoxin management, the importance of agriculture and agro processing, the rise of women in the brewing industry, yeast and hops interaction, plastics in the environment, and a look at ‘snackification’ – the changing tend that’s catching up.
Dain Richardson, Senior Exhibition Manager of fdt Africa from organisers Messe Muenchen South Africa, says safety and progress are strong themes running throughout food & drink technology (fdt) Africa and its co-located events, IFAT Africa – the water and waste trade show, and analytica Lab Africa – the laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology and diagnostics trade show. “This is in line with trends emerging at Messe München’s international events for the sector. Globally, stakeholders are increasingly focused on safety, quality and sustainability in food and drink production and manufacturing, and digital transformation has emerged as the key enabler for these.”
food & drink technology (fdt) Africa is supported by leading industry associations and supporters including the Bakery & Food Technology Incubator (BICSA), Craft Brewers Association South Africa (CBASA), Distillique, FoodTek Solutions, the Institute of Brewing & Distilling Africa Sector (IBD Africa), Plastics SA, the South African Association of the Flavour & Fragrance Industry (SAAFFI).
The trade fair will also feature top local and international exhibitors including Fermentis, Instek Control, PMT Process Management Technology, Reiger Industrial Consultants, GEA Africa, SACMI South Africa. food & drink technology Africa will be co-located with IFAT Africa and analytica lab Africa, with AECI Water the diamond sponsors of the three co-located trade fairs to take place from 13 – 15 July 2021 at Gallagher Convention Centre.