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Ministry, ARCON, NBC partnership to unveil advanced TV Audience measurement platform

The Ministry of Information and National Orientation, in partnership with the Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON) and the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has announced plans to unveil an advanced Television (TV) Audience Measurement (TAM) platform.

This cutting-edge system which aims to transform audience measurement in Nigeria by delivering precise and reliable data on media consumption is in furtherance of the relevant provisions of The National Broadcasting Commission Laws of the Federation 2004 and the Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria Act 2022.

First Media & Entertainment Integrated Limited (FMEIL), a prominent data, insights, consulting, and marketing research firm based in Lagos, in partnership with GARB Bulgaria, deployed the TAM platform, which is the first of its kind in Nigeria.

The platform will provide accurate viewership data for all television channels nationwide, offering invaluable insights for advertisers and other stakeholders. Such a system will provide data consistent with the data used in all mature markets all over the world.

Emphasising on the strategic implementation of the Audience Measurement Service in Nigeria, Charles Ebuebu, The Director General of the National Broadcasting Commission said the platform is set to transform our broadcast industry by providing precise insights into audience demographics and preferences. Broadcasters can tailor their content to better meet the needs of viewers, thereby attracting more advertisers and significantly boosting advertising revenue. This repositioning will enhance the quality of programming and drive growth across the media sector.
The introduction holds immense promise for the Nigerian economy and the broader media ecosystem, as accurate audience data will enable advertisers to target their campaigns more effectively, leading to increased returns on investment and fostering a healthy, sustainable media landscape. The government’s commitment to this initiative, supported by FMEIL’s implementation, underscores a shared vision of transparency, efficiency, and revenue maximization. This collaboration is expected to unlock substantial economic potential, contribute to the prosperity of the nation, and create a fair and ethical media and advertising environment.

Rotimi Pedro, Chairman of FMEIL, stated, “Over the past two years, FMEIL has conducted the largest establishment survey on the African continent in order to provide the foundation of a reliable nationwide TAM system in Nigeria.” According to Pedro, the current diary-based audience measurement system is inadequate for the complex media environment, leading to inefficiencies in advertising spending due to potentially compromised information.

Mr. Pedro explained that the lack of reliable and accurate measurement is why the Nigerian TV market is grossly underperforming when compared with her films and music sub-sectors in attracting investment or global relevance. The new platform addresses this by employing state-of-the-art metering technology, hardware, and software, providing accurate, science-based audience metrics. The new TAM system is dedicated to quantifying and qualifying detailed TV audience data, measuring viewership by age, gender, and other demographics. This allows advertisers to purchase airtime during targeted programmes, information that could not be collected from return path data.

On all mature media markets, without exception, TV ratings used as a market currency are produced by TAM panels, measuring who is watching by deploying dedicated metering technology. Only such data can determine the reach and frequency of TV advertising campaigns, evaluate and maximise investment effectiveness, analyse viewing trends, plan activities based on historical data, and explore further achievements. Globally, there is no precedent for a TAM system based on return path data technology, as it only provides device-level information and cannot reveal audience segmentation. Return path data is not representative of households or individuals but refers to counting set-top boxes.

On his part, Dr. Lekan Fadolapo, Director General and CEO of ARCON, emphasized the transformative impact of the new audience measurement system on the economy through effective data optimization. This system, he explained, will justify advertising expenditures by providing precise data, ensuring that the country’s creative resources are efficiently utilized. As a result, content producers and media owners will receive fair compensation for their expertise, and advertisers will be able to make more informed decisions regarding their marketing budgets.

He also acknowledged the collaborative efforts of the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation (FMIEL) and other key stakeholders in bringing this initiative to fruition, expressing his enthusiasm about the impending launch. He pointed out the significant disparity between Nigeria’s broadcasting advertising market and its population, particularly when compared to other leading Sub-Saharan African markets. Despite Nigeria having a population three times that of South Africa and a gross domestic product 20 percent larger, its television advertising revenue remains significantly lower. This discrepancy is largely due to South Africa’s advanced audience measurement system, which has been crucial in driving its advertising revenue—an example Nigeria aims to follow.

The new Television Audience Measurement (TAM) platform, Dr. Fadolapo explained, will provide accurate TAM data, enabling television channels to make data-driven investments tailored to the needs of the advertising industry. This approach is expected to enhance returns on media production investments and is in line with the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation’s broader agenda to modernize Nigeria’s media landscape.

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