Heineken is the world’s leading beer brand and the premium drink has been enjoyed by beer lovers in Nigeria since it was first launched. Its great taste and superb quality has earned it the title: Chairman. The brand has truly become a part of Nigeria and its people.

Heineken Nigeria has just launched an ad featuring the Nigerian-American singer, Jidenna which highlights the parallels between the world’s most international brand – Heineken and Nigerians. If you’re here wondering what we mean, here are three qualities Heineken and Nigerians have in common as highlighted in the ad:

World famous

Heineken can be found in 192 countries. Paris, Johannesburg, Madrid, Moscow, Cairo, Montreal… name it – the brand is there. Where you see Heineken globally, there’s an 80% chance you will find a Nigerian. Your favorite beer and country man in your favorite city? That is super cool.

High quality

Nigerians have proven their mettle globally, and it’s not uncommon to see them breaking records inIvy League institutions, or deploying innovative ideas in solving problems. They can boast of unmatchable brilliance, compassion and quality results.

Heineken’s quality is also largely unmatched. With a guarantee of the same taste and quality anywhere in the world made possible with the skill of a Master Brewer with 15 years of experience under his belt, you are sure with every sip of Heineken, you get quality.

Value placed on family

Nigerians are passionate about family and what it represents. They will stop at nothing to keep their family closely knitted. Heineken is a family owned brand that understands the importance of family in the grand scheme of things.Despite the evolution of technology, Heineken remains in touch with its traditional roots.

With these similarities between Nigerians and Heineken established, it is not a surprise Nigerians love the premium beer brand.