In a bid to counter the increasing wave of cybercrime, cybersecurity experts and industry leaders convened at the FITC 2023 Cybersecurity Conference to champion the adoption of Artificial Intelligence technology as a pivotal measure in fortifying digital defenses against cyber threats. During the conference on Wednesday in Lagos, the Cybersecurity Manager at Ernst and Young Global Limited, Kelly Orjiude, recalled Nigeria’s vulnerability, citing a 12.9 million cyber-attacks during the past presidential election.

To combat this, Orjiude advocated for the integration of AI-driven technologies. These advanced systems, he explained, could analyse vast amounts of data in real time, enabling the detection of intricate cyber threats while automating incident responses to mitigate potential damages swiftly.

Orjiude, however, cautioned about the responsible use of AI technology. While it strengthens cybersecurity defences, there existed a risk of misuse for malicious purposes, as seen in instances of AI-driven fraud and misinformation, he sad.

He emphasised the need for ethical and responsible AI practices to ensure the technology is harnessed for the greater good.

Orjiude said, “In our pursuit of technological advancement, ethical considerations must guide us.

“AI is a powerful tool; how we use it determines its impact on society. Responsible AI integration is not just a choice; it’s our moral obligation.”